
Spatial Perception for Robots and Autonomous Vehicles

Includes: slides describing current research in SPARK (November 2019). I used similar slides in many talks in 2018 and 2019 and presented this slide deck during an invited talk at a meeting of the IEEE RAS Boston Chaper.

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How to apply for your dream academic job: a practical overview

Includes: slides, overview, and acknowledgments.


Global Positioning System (GPS): taxonomy and modeling

Includes: basic definitions, measurement models, measurement error models, positioning error models


Some useful relations on quaternions and rotations

Includes: basic definitions, quaternion multiplication, conversion from unit quaternion to rotation matrix, rotations of 3D vectors in homogeneous coordinates, and small-angle approximations.


Relations between the objective functions in g2o and TORO

Includes: explicit formulations of the optimization problems solved by g2o, and TORO, and comments on the actual differences in the structure of the optimization objective.
[Image: 3D sphere, http://www.openslam.org/toro.html]


Discretization of first-order Gauss-Markov processes

Includes: complete derivation to discretize the continuous-time process. This is useful to model sensor biases in a discrete-time setup.